Cassochrome, A specialised Printing Company
Our main Assets:
Sustainability and Quality

Group 73

Graphic designers feel at home with us since we have a extent knowledge of paper, litho and printing techniques. 
We work with the newest HUV-LED 6 colour press in the finest possible grid. 
Thus we can make the most beautiful and highest quality reproductions for art, design, fashion and architecture books.

Paper advise, litho, colour advise, printing or binding techniques, you can ask it all. We help you with all your questions and there is guidance from the design to the end product! Here your book gets the optimal attention it deserves!

With a little more attention and love, everything becomes more beautiful!


High reactive H-UV Led printing is offset printing with an innovative drying system, using Komori’s smartly developed UV Lamp and highly sensitive UV ink.

The use of the H-UV LED lamp allows high quality printing possibilities and strong reliability as well as excellent economic performance and ecofriendly usage.

H-UVL is a technology which enhances colour management and there is hardly any rub off.

Cassochrome’s specialty H-UVL possibilities:
Komori Lithrone GL640 – 72×102
6 colour + fixed dryer + flexible dryers

allowing the following printing possibilities:
— Full colour + 2 PMS
— Full colour + varnish (spot) + 1 PMS
— 6 PMS 

We can print on any paper stock from 50gsm up to 1 mm and we can even print on specialty materials like PET materials.

Also white as a spot colour and print full colour over it for printing on coloured paper stocks is possible.
Thanks to the implementation of 2 movable dryers in combination with the end dryer, we are opening up to all sorts of printing possibilities.

The position of the dryers can be chosen depending on the required printing effect. The extra intermediate drying allows us to realize other applications like printing white on textile paper to obtain a different cmyk outcome. 

Overall, H-UV L is a technology which enhances both colour and abrasionresistance of our print results.




Simon Fujiwara
Dara Birnbaum
Isabel Nolan
Sean Scully
Richard Hamilton
Koen Van Den Broek
Tsuruko Yamazaki
Falke Pisano
Chis Evans
Phillippe Samyn &
Ante Timmerman
Andrea Branzi
Rinus Van De Velde
Stefaan Dheedene
Stuart Cumberland
Jorge Macchi
Diego Bianchi
Zhou Chunya
Jonathan Lasker
Peter Halley
Benjamin Moravec
Virgine Bailly
Peter Rogiers
Mitja Tusek
Douglas Huebler
Mikael Falke
Laure Henno
Matias Duville

Gilbert Fastenaekens
Alain Bornain
Yves Lecomte
Yves Velter
Steve Canaday
Eric Freeman
Helmut Stallaerts
Rose Wylie
Jan Fabre
Candida Höfer
Thomas Raat
Wim Delvoye
Steve Canaday
Louise Bourgeois
Johan Creten
Carel Balth
Jonathan Lasker
Andres Serrano
David Lachapelle
Tayo Heuser
Alain Bornain
Saint Clair Cemin
Pat Harris
Joëlle Tuerlinckx
Paul Pouvreau

Keith Mayerson
Werner Mannaers
Geert Goiris
Andy Warhol
Pieter Vermeersch
Els Vanden Meersch
Willy De Sauter
Philip Taaffe
Ricardo Brey
Maarten Vanden
Julião Sarmento
Jack Pierson
Koen Theys
Artur Barrio
Lorenzo Mattotti
Karina Bisch
Karin Hanssen
Eric Freeman
Walter Swennen
Giuseppe Gabellone
Peter Rogiers
Adam Fuss
David Greene
Philippe Vandenberg
Adam Chodzko
John Maclean

Koen Van Den Broek
Simon Henwood
Ron Nagle
Michael Landy
Leo Copers
Martin Wallaert
Paul Van Hoeydonck
Luc Peire
Marcel Broodthaers
Alfred Ost
Jean Dubuffet
Tony Cragg
Jasper Johns
Berlinde De
Max Ernst
Art & Language
Jean Michel
Guiseppe Penone
James Hyde
Benjamin Verdonck
Roni Horn
Ross Bleckner
Martine Bedin
Sante D’orazio

Anne-Mie Van
Sarah Tritz
Gabriel Muschel
Red Caballo
Matt Stokes
Dennis Tyfus
Matthieu Ronsse
Sergey Bratkov
Rinus Van De Velde
Dara Birnbaum
Richard Tuttle
Jorge Macchi
Andrea Branzi
Rip Hopkins
Giuseppe Penone
Richard Hamilton
Ante Timmermans
Lina Selander
Thomas Bogaert
Gideon Kiefer
Pino Pascali


SUSTAINABILITY is our priority !

1.The H-UV LED technology is the most sustainable technology on the market  
        – No varnish needed anymore
                The paper is instantly dry so you keep the sensation of the paper without hiding it                        with varnish and it is environmentally friendly

        – No need of drying powder 

                This is not only a nuisance for health but also for the environment and gave the                            paper sheet a grainy feeling. 

        – Less usage of paper
                We only need 100 sheets to set the machines. This used to be 500 sheets per side.                      For the production of one book you easily save 8.000 sheets of paper 

        – No Odor 

               The inks react less with the paper thanks to the instant drying process

        – No heath emissions
                In comparison with UV printing

        – Less energy consumption
                LED lamps result in less consumption , 100 to 120 Watt instead of normal drying                        with 150 kWatt

2. Extra sustainable measures 
        – Solar panels
                Electricity is being generated by solar panels on our flat roof top and all electricity                      that needs to be bought in on top is green electricity.  

        – Less water usage
                The water that is used is purified rain water and is in a closed circuit so no water                        discharge 

        – All paper is being recycled
                This is not possible with other printing techniques like UV but H-UV printing can be                  fully recycled. 

        – No Ozone emission       
                This is the case with UV printing and is a nuisance to health and environment. 

        – New REACH legislation since 2019 in Europe        
                All inks, plates and other materials meet the necessary standards according to this                      new strict legislation in term of ecology.  

        – FSC paper – sustainable forestry
                All paper we buy in Europe is FSC certified which means that for every tree that is                      used, 2 new fast growing trees are replanted.  



Traktaatweg 8
B–9041 Gent

Tel +32 (0)56 73 83 93


We are located in the north of Belgium. 

When planning a visit, give us a warning in advance so that someone can pick you up at the train station.


We make every effort to provide our customers with high-quality printed matter. However, we need your help in providing correct, non-layeres files to enable us to do this. 

Read here for more information on How to submit your files.

If you have any questions, please contact our prepress team at